Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fall Contrast: Camel + Black

On November 9th, 1927 the first giant panda was captured by the western world in China. These black and white beauties were previously thought to be on the same plane as Bigfoot, but were finally confirmed with their capture. Although they'd been known by the Chinese cultures for ages, Western nations found the creature elusive in the wild. In the 1930s the first panda cub was brought over to the United States and placed in the Chicago Brookfield Zoo. Interestingly, they are the rarest member of the bear species and one that does not hibernate. They spend over 12 hours a day eating! Sounds like my kind of life!

Their contrasting colors of black and white were a popular color combination for fashion this summer, but as we've ventured into fall it's time to update the color palette. Recently, I've fallen in love with the mixture of camel brown and charcoal black. The mixing of these hues brings sophistication to the outfit, especially as they are so rarely incorporated with the outdated rule against mixing black and brown. However, this rule can be ignored when pairing camel and black as these colors successfully contrast in a wonderful way! Definitely try mixing these two colors or picking up a piece that has these two tones together. I especially like it in comfy sweaters that are perfect for the fall!

camel craving

Burberry black dress / Mulberry cashmere blend sweater / Uniqlo silk blouse / Michael Kors two-tone boots / Burberry flat shoes / Elliott Lucca leather handbag / Topshop hat / Happy Jackson Door Mat - Hello You Lovely People, $40

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