Have you been thinking of signing up or just about to? With the help of a fellow blogger and friend, I'm beginning a multi-part series on what to wear for your first blind dates (because you can potentially go on several through online dating)! In the next few weeks, Melody Rowell and I will be bringing you fashion tips and real-life evidence for your first dates.
A common place to meet for a blind date is a museum or coffee shop. Usually occurring during the day, it can be a challenge to pick out the perfect outfit to wear. Always go a bit more casual than you might if you are an over-dresser. Stick with flats as you might walk around quite a bit and wear something that is cute, but comfortable. I recommend wearing a bold jacket with a comfy t-shirt and skinny jeans so you look stylish, laid back, and confident. The contrasting clutch will bring a bit of fun to the whole outfit!
J.Crew j crew shirt / Zara jacket / Almost Famous skinny fit jeans / Ballet shoes, $185 / Satchel handbag
I love the outfit. Great tips! And as a self-confessed overdressed, your reminder to go a bit more casual is well taken. Then one is perceived as appropriately dressed. ;-) I look forward to hearing about the dates and more outfit ideas.